Trail Friendly Business Program
About the Program
The Missisquoi Valley Trail Friendly Business Program highlights local businesses that cater to the needs of walkers, runners, hikers, bikers, skiers, snowmobilers, mushers (dog sledders), and well… EVERYONE who uses the trail. These businesses work hard to create a trail friendly atmosphere that welcomes outdoor enthusiasts. These businesses understand what trail users need and take extra steps to make sure you have a great experience. The businesses on our map and in our directory below meet the requirements of being trail friendly and we strongly encourage trail users to visit them and use their services.
While on the trail, you can also find these local business directories at the trail kiosks in each town and identify participating businesses by the Trail Friendly Business Logo posted in the window.

Interactive Map - click here for a full-screen/mobile optimized map.
Trail Friendly Business Directory
Want your business to become an MVRT Trail Friendly Business? Visit the program web page to apply.