We Want to Hear from YOU!
Development of an updated management plan for the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail is
underway. The plan aims to help define the next era of the trail system through a
community-led vision and goal-oriented strategies that will foster connection to the
local community, spur economic activity, and enable future investment in this
community asset. We encourage community input to help align the plan with the vision
and experience of those who utilize and cherish the trail.
Welcome to the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail!
With its bucolic setting, quiet river nooks, booming mountain views, and quintessential New England villages, the Missisquoi Valley is one of Vermont’s true treasures. The New England Central Rail Line has been connecting the communities of the Missisquoi Valley since 1886— first by train and now by multi-use trail corridor. The 26.4-mile trail wanders through the villages, farms, forests, fields, and wetlands of Franklin County at a railroad’s pace: slow, steady grades with sweeping bends.
For the full length of the Trail, you’ll see the postcard images of Vermont you’ve grown to love. Interspersed between our historic village centers, you’ll also find the families and working landscapes that created and continue to support this spectacular scenery. Come visit us and explore the MVRT!
Interactive Map - click here for a full screen/mobile optimized map.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation appreciates receiving notification of maintenance needs and issues related to the LVRT via phone or general email submission from the AOT website. The phone number to call is 802-917-2458. Click here for the complaint contact form. Note, photos and a detailed description of the location or GPS coordinates are always helpful and will help VTrans to promptly respond and properly address the issue. Examples of maintenance items to report are trees and large branches down in the trail, sinkholes or heaves in the trail, flooding on the trail, etc. Public safety issues such as vehicles on the trail, unsafe activities, or violation of the Trail Etiquette Policy can be reported to the same phone number or email address. Emergency needs and illegal activities should be directed to 911. An updated Rail Trails website will be made available later this Spring to report maintenance needs and etiquette concerns, but until then please use the above phone number or form. Remember, if it is an emergency call 911.